Rabu, 26 Desember 2007

Deep Freeze

As a user of the largest Operating System ever sold in man-kind history, I will never be a problem-free user. There are always things those keep on surprising me daily. One of it is the virus.

I could understand that virus will effect the huge user of this operating system. Because following the nature-law that people will put their attention on a big issues. Well, if you attack a low-user OS, you will get a few attention only. But imagine if you are successfully 'ruin' or 'damaging' a huge system. Then many people will get panic, and you'll get what you're aiming for.

Most of the late attacks to our PCs are coming from the bad-defense of our own. The easiest way is : we always assume that we live a healthy life, so our PC will never get infected - in this case, we don't install any anti viruses. Another false-thought of most of us is : we install anti virus once - so we thought we'll be invincible, we're virus free - so that we forgot to update its viruses database.

Even, after we install (and keep update) an anti virus software, still we're not 100% problem free. Since, it's well known that the viruses are always be one step ahead than the curer.


Well, most of the anti virus will try to put themself into a hidden-hard-to-find folder, and then execute itself when the system is turned on. So, according to this description, there should be a trigger that will run them. In this case, the trigger is commonly placed at our system registry.

And defensing our system thru our registry is the best self-defence ever. Of course, we will have to be aware by any other kind of attack. But still, this will reduce the infection possibilities to almost 90%!

One of the software for defensing our System Registry is Deep Freeze software. By running this software, we could kind of lock the system, so that no one will ever be able to get in (unless we permit them).

I've been using this software for my clients, and so far, there are no problems (at least, that's what I know, hahahaha).

Happy downloading!

DeepFreeze.rar (1.87 MB)

1 komentar:

Маркетир mengatakan...

Why don't you link directly to the most recent release at:

instead of pirated archived old version that might have bugs that have been already fixed.